What is the Sociological Consultation Hub?
Hi Kids. Young people. Pioneers! Be happy. You are the first generation of people to be bathed in bits. The generation before yours – your parents were bathed in watching much more hours of TV than you and watched it differently. For example, when you reach home, after school – what do you and your friends do? Turn on your computer? – In four different Windows, no less or more if you include Mac. You chat on your mobile and listen to mp3 files while doing homework. And while all that is going on, you’ve got the TV on in the background, right?
Relax – no-one is judging you. When you go online i.e. use the internet, your teacher realises that you’re reading, thinking and organising, cooperating with others to make thoughts, being critical i.e. to recognise as special or different, validating and telling stories. As an adolescent, with your hormones going crazy the way they do, the number 1 thing which affects what your brain is like, after considering DNA, is how you spend your time.
A Psychologist would say, if you watch hours of TV every week, you get a certain kind of brain which makes you behave in a certain way, and if you spend your time doing multi-tasking, or complex information handling – this affects your brain as well. When you go into further education, you will not need to agree with this – and could argue that the hours of TV programmes watched were about multi-tasking, but had a delayed reaction in the brain etc.
The Sociological Consultation Hub exists as a space where you can learn about yourself without Psychiatric drugs being implemented. Or someone poking you like they used to, bears to get a reaction out of you. Here, you can learn new things. To ascertain about goal-setting to accomplish anything you want to in life. Of course there is some life-

coaching/counselling involved but nothing too intrusive. As John Lennon once sung in a song: 'Another year over. And what have you done?'.
At the Hub, we encourage children and young people to believe in themselves, think for themselves, philosophise and be heard as the individuals that they are. You are wise when you realise the meaning of the phrase: 'Ive never done that, before'.
We visit several charities dotted around London. And do zoom calls too. All in the aid of allowing children and young people to
find themselves when navigating this ever increasing complicated world.